Here are the statistics from the Community Delegation Committee:
Current Delegation Status
- Funds 207,226,813 LIKE as of today, total delegation 206,370,496 LIKE
- Delegation rewards received from last month was 1,582,115 LIKE
Proposal 44 Delegation
- Since the Yoitsu node was dead, the delegation amount from Proposal 44 was split between 13 validator nodes, each validator got 549,451 LIKE more.
Current Delegation Round: Round 13 ( June )
- Delegated to 10 validators
- 9 Normal, 1 High Delegation
- 1 renew application : Moonbeam
As the current CDC appointment period is until October 31, 2022, it is about time to review the structure of CDC and/or its succession. The community is welcome to discuss about it in the #apply-for-delegation channel.
For more details please refer to: