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We were on the stage of IPFS Camp – LikeCoin Community Call Minutes #202211

Table of Contents

Writing NFT, IPFS Camp 2022, LikeCoin chain Dragonberry patch, subDAO updates and much more!


Writing NFT

Focus on improving UX of Writing NFT for collectors. Still have a whitelist of creators and are slowly increasing the creators amount allowed for minting Writing NFT. Latest feature including:

  • Allow users to purchase Writing NFT with a credit card without a wallet. Users can click on any Writing NFT and quickly collect NFT and pay by card without having Keplr or any other wallet installed. The instruction of claiming Writing NFT will be sent by email afterwards, that will allow the onboarding flow for purchasing NFT will be easier and allow more layman users to come and buy the NFT
  • Implemented the gem with more features, making the Writing NFT to be more unique for collectors. The gem is one of the approaches to achieve this goal. Still experimenting with different ways to use this features, expect more things will be coming.
  • Thanks to Cosmostation cooperation, users can purchase Writing NFT directly on the Cosmostaiton mobile app. If you are using a mobile phone and have a Cosmostation app, you can finish the whole Writing NFT purchase flow inside wallet connect. There is a demo video shown in the slides. If you are interested you can click into it and you can see the whole flow of using Cosmostation app to buy Writing NFT.
  • Some statistics from the launch of Writing NFT to now. The 1st month is all new buyers as there are no returning buyers. Static stream of new buyers coming and a good intention of returning buy. However, should focus on making more new buyers to come to expand our user base. Will focus on implementing features and allow collectors to buy NFT more easily, new buyers numbers shall be improved accordingly.
  • Survey was launched to understand what the user thinks about Writing NFT. Cluster analysis has been done to understand what the users or collector think about Writing NFT and what is their needs. A blog post in Chinese is written to analyze the result.
  • NFT Analytics Dashboard can be used to check current Writing NFT statistics, want to know the stats of your NFT or current trending NFT, this is the place to go.
  • Coming features include set featured and hide NFT in your portfolio. Collector will also be notified when their creators release a Writing NFT and can purchase Writing NFT from their favorite creators easily. More features are coming and in design phrases.

IPFS Camp 2022

CEO Phoebe is in Lisbon now and joined the IPFS Camp 2022, representing LikeCoin and Liker Land team to be the keynote speaker, talk on decentralization and Human Rights showcase for the IPFS use case. Many IPFS teams working on different products inside the ecosystem expect collaboration between different services related to IPFS and Filecoin. More updates will be provided in the future.

LikeCoin chain Dragonberry patch

An incident on Cosmos SDK happened on October 10, vulnerability on all IBC chains was found and emergency patch has been done. Thanks to the cooperation of validators, the secret patch was applied quickly within 24 hours passing 67% voting power, secure chain safety. A formal release of IBC vulnerability patch as LikeCoin chain 3.1.0, validators who are still using the old version are recommended to update. Once again thanks everyone, especially validators for quick responses to guarantee chain security.

Osmosis Proposal on LIKE incentives

In the last month a proposal on Osmosis has been raised to the liquidity pool on Osmosis DEX. Thanks to everyone’s support the proposal has passed, the OSMO external incentives match on the LIKE/OSMO pool 553. The exact amount of matched incentives can be found on the Osmosis incentive spreadsheet. Encourage everyone to provide liquidity for LIKE/OSMO pairs to get these rewards and grow the LIKE ecosystem. LikeCoin also runs a full node and relayer between Osmosis / LikeCoin and a full node on Desmos, if you have $OSMO and $DSM, you are recommended to delegate to the LikeCoin by Liker Land node.

Community Delegation Committee SubDAO

The report details are on CDC Progress Update 2022.10.31. Three of the executive members left and two new executive members will join the new cycle and help the CDC. However one more executive member is needed to replace the missing member. As one new member dropped off because of some personal incident so there is one vacancy now.

Anyone who is interested in helping the community delegation committee, you are encouraged to apply as an executive member for CDC subDAO. If the new executive committee member cannot be found in the near future, all new community fund delegation applications will not proceed until the new CDC is formed.

Creator Fund Committee SubDAO

Creator Fund Committee SubDAO has a proposal 58 which is on the voting period now, it’s about supply of the funding for creators fund wallet which is for the daily creators fund. If you have not voted please vote as a validator or individual. Creators fund report is also available for review, it is from February to October 2022. There are also some analyses about the Civic Liker node and creators fund. CFC is trying to research on some method to focus support on chain registered content instead of other content. The support is for ISCN registered content for better rating, CFC is still figuring a way out to achieve that. CFC is also looking for community advice on how to move on, revamp and reform the CFC or add more committee members. Comments and recommendations are welcomed.


Writing NFT

  • The gem is a UI enhancement, reflecting the value of the NFT.
  • Early versions of the notification feature will be on email but later on there may be notification on web apps.


  • In terms of wallet, on the mobile side the most user friendly wallet is the Comostation app, can perform the whole Writing NFT purchase flow using Cosmostation. Keplr mobile app is not supported at the current moment. Still reviewing what improvements can be done after the Cosmostation app support.
  • Keplr is preferred on websites over Cosmostation, for now Keplr is default on web but Comostation can be switched easily on UI. There is no technical preference on Keplr or Cosmostation.
  • Neither Keplr nor Cosmostation have a good integration between desktop or mobile app. On the desktop Keplr maybe a better choice, but on mobile maybe better off using Cosmostation.
  • The current direction is to put everything “Authcore related” to Liker Land app, and use Wallet Connect as the common protocol. If registered as a new user on the web, will not have the option to use Authcore. Users can use Liker Land app and Wallet Connect to operate all of the DApps as normal.
  • Login Matters and send LIKE is still using Authcore as default, Keplr user with no session on can use Keplr to pay LIKE via the widget. Users can use to logout and try to use Keplr to send LIKE on Matters. As it is not a common practice for users to do so, it is not in priority but the team has planned to discuss this and prepare updates on UI/UX.