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LikeCoin Early Believer Round closed

Table of Contents

And Happy New Year

With 2017 came to an end, so did the Early Believer Round of LikeCoin private token sale. While wewere still in semi-stealth mode, dozens of you chose to believe in our and contributed 1200ETH, 20% above our original target of project seed. Thank you so much, Early Believers. Your faith gives us faith. m(_ _)m

Guess what, it was the first time in my life that i forgot Jan 1 is a holiday. i didn’t realize until a friend asked me out for a drink. i was well aware of the date, but forgot it’s a holiday — it’s weird. Come to think about it, it must be because i was too eager to kick off phase 2 of LikeCoin project.

As we enter a new year, we shall formally leave stealth mode and start to release the details of LikeCoin. Stay tuned, there will be announcement(s) every week.

As a start, let’s begin with LikeCoin Foundation’s website.

i know it may seem primitive, but it’s just a starting point. Please join our community on ;Telegram (English) Medium (English/Chinese), Twitter (Japanese/English), Facebook (Chinese) and Github(JS/Solidity), you will find a lot more information going on.

Last but not least, happy new year! Wish everyone a meaningful 2018!