One new validator; proposal #7 in discussion; new home for community daily discussion
Edmond (Operations & Marketing)
Statistics and Insights
- Insight: Creators are more willing to become Civic Liker. Blogging platforms (Matters, Vocus, Timelog, Medium etc.) > WordPress Individual sites > Media (Standnews, Inmedia, HKCNews)
- Conversion rate of /civic page dropped to 0.8% in the past two weeks.
- New app download (bi-weekly): 511(+21%), app WAU last week: 1341(+46%). The rise in download rate is due to an exploit attack during 11th and 12th Dec.
- Number of Content Jockeys last week: 295 (+20%)
- Civic Liker total: 1718; 31new registrations in last two weeks.
- Social media (executed by community helper Daisy): 1. Facebook engagement rate of the past three weeks was 4% and page reach was 888. The “shark post” got the highest page reach of 2501 and 6% engagement. 2. Updated gitbook with portfolio page and sync the English translations.
- Civic Liker 2.0 roll out and promotion
Chung (Blockchain developer)
LikeCoin chain statistics
(Difference from 2020.11.23)
- Historical data:
- Number of addresses: 17,103 (+658)
- Number of transactions: 713,244 (+51,523)
- Number of delegated LIKE: ~314,120,000 (+45,320,000), 31.08% of total supply
- Number of migrated LIKE: ~730,040,000, migration progress: 83.43%
Previous period
- Keep working on LikeCoin chain ISCN module functionalities
- Refactoring
- Better error handling
- Removing dedicated IPLD codec, change to the general dag-cbor codec instead
- IPFS plugin for retrieving ISCN data
William (Full Stack Developer)
- Finished Stripe related integration for new Civic Liker API.
- Helped with Civic Liker 2.0 testing. Fixed some price and quantity calculation issue.
- Finished email list feature API for Civic Liker 2.0, demonstrated to team. Need to await future feedback from product and design.
- Kicked off ISCN update for LikeCoin WordPress plugin. Will start with fixing current behaviour and integrating needed features from Matters first.
- Made a WordPress plugin release fixing some confusing UX about session expire. Also support tagging post tags to Matters.
- Setup an ISCN testnet for plugin develop environment
- Help with Civic Liker 2.0 launch.
- Research how to sign ISCN payload via + Authcore.
- Continue to work on ISCN update for WordPress plugin, expect to finish before Feb 2020.
David Ng (Frontend Developer)
- Completed the remaining UI of Civic Liker 2.0, launched an internal test, fixed bugs, and improved subscription flow. (likecoin-app#344, #347)
- Started to implement the new creator page.
- Prepare to release a new app version to address the 0 gas issue during a transaction. (likecoin-app#237)
- Prepare to release Civic Liker 2.0 beta and address the remaining issues.
- Continue to work on the new creator page.
JoshKIU (UX Designer)
- Completed the creator page revamp, also modified the old version to become a supplementary page
- Reviewed Liker Land flow to be compatible with Civic Liker 2.0
- Reviewed and tested on Civic Liker 2.0
- Revised and simplified the subscription flow
- Designed a template for proposals and community call
- Follow up the production of the Stand News flyer
- Will design the Civic Liker supporting email
- Will continue on testing Civic Liker 2.0
- Will modify the Civic Liker introduction page to be compatible with Civic Liker 2.0
- Will design a banner photo for Dec newsletter
Phoebe (Business Development)
- Working on tokenomic presentation deck
- Continue on hiring interview
- Welcome new onboarded validator and governance dashboard by
ckxpress (Civic Liker)
On governance
- Community call #202012 conducted to discuss optimal inflation rate.
- As a follow up, validator Guanyun has drafted a request-for-comments of Proposal #7 in 3 languages and will collect responses for 3 weeks.
- The community has also agreed to do day-to-day discussions on Discord, server managed by validator Leafwind.
- 1 new validator during the period:
On evangelism and others
- Conducted a guest lecture to Hong Kong Baptist University students on Liquid Democracy (2020.11.27)
- Conducted a sharing to social workers on how blockchain helps social movements, organized by Society for Innovation and Technology in Social Work (2020.11.28))
- Shared LikeCoin and #decentralizehk movement at g0v bi-annual summit (2020.12.06)
- Conducted a guest lecture to Hong Kong Polytechnic University students on Liquid Democracy (2020.12.12)