The Foundation will release 540,000 LikeCoin on 2019.1.2. All the creators with their works being Liked by registered users during 2018.12.7 to 2018.12.31 will be rewarded. We wish you all having a creative year of 2019.
Unlike the previous campaigns, we are going to release the whole budget in one-off on 2019.1.2 to cover the Likes got in 2018.12.7–2018.12.31.
Civic Liker Trial Quota is Filled — Join the Waiting List Now
In 2019 Jan, we will try another flow to reward creators — the Civic Liker. Only the Likes from the Civic Liker Trial testers will be counted for creators’ reward in Jan 2019.
Both ways for rewarding the creators, namely, the Reinvented Like
(Registered users like for free) and the Civic Liker
(Distribute one’s own monthly budget by Liking) will go in parallel in the future. We just take Jan 2019 as a Civic Liker testing month.
The Foundation will release daily LikeCoin bonus during 2019.1.2–2.1* to the creators according to the Likes they get in the previous day. The total 300 tester quota has already been filled up. You can still register here to join the waiting list if you are interested.
About Civic Liker
A coffee for an ecosystem
Have you ever read a great story, detailed news coverage or beautiful picture on the web, wanted to micro reward it but couldn’t?
Have you realized creativity on the web brings no direct income, creators and civil reporters can only rely on ads, outsource projects and most importantly, enthusiasm?
Civic Liker is a movement to reward open contents. For the cost of a cup of coffee, you become a Civic Liker. Whatever you Like will then be turned into a tangible reward to creators.
相關鏈結: Civic Liker Trial | Reinventing the Like Progress Review | 中文版
*Correction to the mistake of previous campaign details about the end date: LikeCoin bonus will be distributed during 1.2–2.1, and the Likes within 1.1–1.31 will be counted.