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LikeCoin Progress Update 2021.06.07

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Liker Land app 0.21.0 is now available! This version includes a brand new UI and various bug fixes. This version will wrap up the Liker Land app revamp task before we switch focus to ISCN related development.

LikeCoin chain statistics‌

(Difference from 2021.05.24)

LikeCoin Progress Update 2021.06.07
LikeCoin Progress Update 2021.06.07
LikeCoin Progress Update 2021.06.07


LikeCoin Chain updates

  • Working on procedures and documents for upgrading from SheungWan to FoTan
  • Working on scripts for smoother migration
  • Implementing a new query interface for querying ISCN records by owner
  • Deployed a homemade indexer to improve /txs query performance on chain API endpoint


  • will be a new web app for ISCN register and browser, we made some wireframe and moving on to actual UX/UI design.
  • We are exploring new tools for UI design, hopefully, can improve component management and in-teams collaboration.

Liker Land app

  • Liker Land app 0.21.0 is now available! This version includes a brand new UI and various bug fixes. This version will wrap up the Liker Land app revamp task. Shall allocate technical resources to ISCN product launch for the remaining year.
LikeCoin Progress Update 2021.06.07

What’s new?

  1. New “mange your supporters” section.
  2. One click to share your sponsor link to your fans and readers.
  3. New preview layout for reading list.
  4. New in-app LikeCoin button, better UI for users to reward and share content in Liker Land.

Civic Liker

  • Finished easier customer account deletion process for Liker Land team.
  • Start revamping monthly report for civic liker.


  • will soon revamp to a site that coherent LikeCoin and #DePub related products and information.
  • Finished the copywriting and sitemap design of new landing page.
  • Support setting LIKE Pay redirect URL whitelist in settings page.
  • Testing Keplr login feature with Liker ID, fixed an issue related to customized gas price set by user causing fail transaction in Keplr.


  • Chain APIs doc are improved with javascript example on signing and verifying transactions.
  • ISCN specifications repo is being update to fit our FoTan version of ISCN schema design.
  • will also be updated in a near future.
  • Shall update the content to a more #DePub focus direction.


  • (Experimental) Authcore login support is deployed to lunie3 chain explorer for LikeCoin.
  • We are also exploring decentralized storage solutions like The The Arweave Project ther than IPFS, and we have just deployed our lunie3 explorer onto arweave for hands on experiment.
  • Social media: Facebook average post reach was 757 engagement rate 4%. Hit post was the cointelegraph news of engagement rate 6%.
LikeCoin Progress Update 2021.06.07

This update is bought to you by the Liker Land team.

JoshKIU (Liker Land, UX Designer)
Wei (Liker land, Full Stack Developer)
William (Liker land, Full Stack Developer)
David (Liker Land, Frontend Lead)
Shelly (Liker Land, Full Stack Developer)
Edmond (Liker Land, Operation)
Phoebe (Liker Land, Business Development)
Daisy (Community volunteer)

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