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LikeCoin Store beta released

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Send and receive LikeCoin on web

While sending money instantly without border is amazing, the user experience of blockchain can sometimes be scary for some people. With LikeCoin being designed for non-technical, content creators and consumers, we want to make sure transfer of LikeCoin is as friendly as possible.

And that is the reason we have designed LikeCoin Store, which allows general users to send and receive LikeCoin with a familiar interface. LikeCoin Store is now in beta on Rinkeby test net, please give it a try!

  1. You need a computer with Chrome browser. You might as well use Firefox, Opera and Brave if you are familiar with them. If you don’t have Metamask extension on your Chrome, please follow this instruction to set it up in 3 minutes.
  2. Go to
LikeCoin Store beta released

3. Pick your LikeCoin ID. The wallet address will be automatically filled in by Metamask. Don’t worry about giving us your email, it’s optional. But if you do, you will receive email notifications on LikeCoin transfer and receipt.

LikeCoin Store beta released

4. Then you need to Sign with MetaMask to confirm to link to your wallet.

LikeCoin Store beta released
Click [Sign]

5. And you are done setting up your LikeCoin ID!

LikeCoin Store beta released
You may reach your request for transfer page by clicking [view your page]

6. To request for transfer, just share your LikeCoin ID page:

LikeCoin Store beta released[LikeCoinID]

Or you may try to pay me 1 LikeCoin:LikeCoin StoreSend LikeCoin to

If you don’t have LikeCoin in your wallet yet, follow our previous Content Footprint demo to get some.

7. Since it’s your secured wallet, you need to sign in order to transfer LikeCoin.

LikeCoin Store beta released
Click [Sign]
LikeCoin Store beta released
It takes Ethereum half to a few minutes to transfer
LikeCoin Store beta released
Done and you got the receipt

8. In doubt? Don’t worry, just talk to us by clicking the dialog bubble on the bottom right. We will do it with you hand in hand.

LikeCoin Store beta released
We always get back to you as soon as possible

LikeCoin Store is still in beta. Please do provide us with your valuable comments and bug report. You may simply do it on the page through the dialogue bubble.

Enjoy exploring!